Pro Dancer Bio

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Atlanta, Geotgia
Pro Dancer Atl is created by an award winning dancer with an impressive resume of experience thru-out the country. Having worked in stage, film, concert and event performances with such renown company’s as Dance Theatre of Harlem, Radio City Music Hall and Cirque Du Soleil. His choreography has been presented in New York City, Los Angeles, Texas, Las Vegas and Georgia. He’s also a distinguished recipient the NFAA (The National Foundation for the Advancement of the Arts) Talent Search award 1994.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Common Dance Injuries

An understanding of the dancers physical demands and techniques are essential to both the treatment and prevention of dance injuries. First an artist mist understand that there is a difference between discomfort and pain. There are several types of injuries that occur. A constant moment of pain can represent a more obvious acute injury illustrated by joint muscle and tendon sprains, lumbar strains, collisions and falls. 
Injuries also can occur as a result of repetitive movement known as micro-trauma. These are the chronic overuse type injuries that occur from a constant repetitive movement. 
Acute injuries as a result of micro trauma’s are much more common in dance and make up the majority of dance injuries. They are often subtle and related to improper dance technique. Treatment should not focus only on the injury but should involve an evaluation of the dancers body mechanics and technique. Examples in this category include any types of tendentious, bursitis, chronic ligament strain, and stress fractures. Also an acute injury can occur superimposed on a chronic overuse injury. An example of this would include a chronic achilles tendentious which then ruptures acutely. Possible reasons for the chronic overuse injuries must be assessed if proper and speed y recovery is to be expected.

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